Denne antologi er en række undersøgelser af vands betydning gennem menneskehedens historie fra den første bosættelse i tidlig stenalder til nutiden.
Bogen giver læseren mulighed for at få mere viden om ét af de vigtigste livsgrundlag i Mellemøsten – vand. Artiklerne behandler kulturelle og naturvidenskabelige aspekter.
Water of life er resultatet af et tværdisciplinært og international samarbejde, der fandt sted på et symposium med deltagelse af eksperter fra de humanistiske og naturvidenskabelige fagområder organiseret af Det Danske Institut i Damaskus.
Introduction · Water in the Hebrew Bible: myth and theory · Water in Sumerian Mythology · The age of water. Aton Trap, Krypton-81 and global Groundwater · Humans in the Moroccan desert (Sahara) during the humid periods of the Lower and Middle Stine Ages · Climate Changes and the Human impact on Rainfall in NW Europe and the Levant · The Role of Water in the Last Gatherer-Huner and Earlist Farming Communities of Southwest Asia · The development of urban life in Mesopotamia and the implementation of canal systems · Living with and on the river-side. The example of Roman Antiochia-on-the Chrysorrhoas-forerly-called-Gerasa · The Water System in the Decapolis City of Umm Qais (Gadara) · Life on the Edge of the Desert: A Late Antique Monastery and its Water Supply · Water Power: the Driving Force of Economic Life in the Medieval and Early Modern Levant · Qanat Romani: the Rehabilitation of Ancient Underground Water Tunnels in Syria · The Syrian spring and civil war and the demise of Syrian politics · Paradise on Earth – Water and the Islamic Garden.
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